
Based on federal legislation parents are to be participants in special education for their school districts (Indicator #8). A district can participate with this initiative by working with DPI and CESA 8 by including a parent liaison at the district level. This project is primarily funded through an IDEA Discretionary grant, but local funding is necessary.
Activities for the parent liaison in cooperation with CESA 8 are as follows:
Assist with gathering and disseminating materials and information to parents.
Setup a parent resource library.
Organize reimbursements to district parent liaisons.
Attend training and regional meetings to gain knowledge about the special education process and services, and be available to share with parents, teachers, and administrators.
Mentor support and provide information to parents
Assist districts with parent meetings/advisory councils on an ongoing basis.
Provide workshops for parents (IEP, Communication, Bullying, etc.) Provide Family Engagement Facilitator at the District level.
For more information, contact:
Sara Nerenhausen, Director/Family Engagement Coordinator
Statewide Information and Support at 833.879.7734 is another option for families to call as part of a statewide support system.