Cultural Playbook

Nothing influences daily execution more powerfully than culture. Culture is what leads when no one is watching. Most school districts have a vision, mission, strategy, goals, and objectives. Even less school districts have a culture that drives the behaviors required to execute the vision, mission, strategy, goals, or objectives.

While it is true that documents do not build culture, it is important to identify and document the core beliefs that drive the specific behaviors that create key outcomes. That is the purpose of a Culture Playbook, to provide a clear, concise, and compelling articulation of a school district’s desired culture. 

Services includes the following:

  • Half-day training on R Factor to leadership team

  • Two-day creation and certification of Cultural Playbook

  • One-day R Factor certification training 

  • Online learning series subscription service

  • Support of leadership team to train all staff (year 1)

  • Support of leadership team and staff to train students (year 2)

For more information, contact:

dave honish

Dave Honish

Agency Administrator

920.855.6737 or 920.855.2114

ext. 223